Sunday, November 27, 2005

Celebrity Endorsements and Polls

Okay, I admit it, I read People Magazine sometimes.

{Please don’t tell my Mother. She’d chastise me for wasting my time with nonsense and filling my head with garbage. She’d be right of course, but still, having a good cynical chuckle at the antics of the self-absorbed-most-important-people-in-the-world highlighted in these types of publications can be entertaining. They are entertainers, after all!}

There is something about the unashamedly displaying of diamond-studded hedonism that makes it difficult to avert ones eyes.

Furthermore, I don’t begrudge celebrities their opinions or using their mega-means to showcase their opinions. They are people, like the rest of us, and have a right to their opinions. Well, they aren’t exactly like the rest of us are they?

Think of Tom Cruise pitting his ego-driven opinions against the Princeton educated Brooke Shields, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association regarding the need for medication for maladies such as post-partum depression. He made statements like, ‘It’s, uh, like, hormone driven, uh, like, you know, it’s not, uh, Scientifically proven, uh, like, to be a, you know like, a disease.’

Now that’s what I’m talking about. That’s entertaining!

Guess nobody gave Tom a script to memorize for that statement. Brooke Shields made some sort of dignified response to his allegations against her. I’m just guessing, but I think she surely has at least 20 I.Q. points on him. It’ really wasn’t a fair fight, but he picked it.

I saw a poll on the internet recently asking if we, the people, would be more inclined to spend money for products endorsed by famous celebrities.

So I asked myself, would I spend a few extra dollars to have a celebrity’s face on the packaging of whatever I’m buying? Hmmmm .... Can’t think of why I’d do that.

So I clicked ‘no’ on the poll. The poll took me to the results page and the results showed something like 98% no, 2% yes.

I would have clicked the Southern option if they’d of had it.

Not just no, but hell no.


Joan said...

Hilarious, Beth! How I wish these "celebrities" could just get over themselves -- their posturing gets tedious!

BTW - many of the people who took that poll LIED! I guarantee that AT LEAST 75% of our fame-and-fortune-worshipping society would, and do, buy products because of celebrity endorsement!

Jane said...

Beth, I LOVED this post. I am so sick and tired of hearing about this celebrity or that celebrity endorsing some product and I am REALLY sick of the Tom Cruise's of Hollywood diagnosing the ills of the world. God forbid that Katie Holmes (who is carrying the illegitimate child of Cruise) has PPD. If she does I hope she kicks the sh** out of him when he tells her to take some vitamins and get some exercise!!!

Stafford said...

I am totally sick of celebrity endorsements. From the time of Michael Jackson who never drank Pepsi, but made millions to just bad celebrity commercials I feel as if I wish I can just stop the madness. We as consumers pay so much more in order to pay their salaries and I don't want to look like Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, etc. Nor do I find them as entertaining as creative commercials or the old fashioned model commercials for beauty products. Why does an overkill on a celebrity eg Jennifer Lopez and Idol happen? Her ugly clothes at Kohl's when there are talented designers (that she buys from)who go to FIT and etal to learn the art and she actually believes her hats, clothes and etc are pretty or representative? Don't even get me started on Broadway and the untalented-just the name that gets them there!