Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What about Thanksgiving?

I stayed home from work today to do a little preparation for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Between bouts of scrubbing, dealing with Mount Neverest and polishing wood floors, I got to thinking about the Christmas issue again.

'What', I wondered, 'if Thanksgiving is also an assault on the unwashed masses masquerading as a benign traditional holiday?'

A quick look around the blog-sphere and there seem to be blogs everywhere making reference to Thanksgiving and what they are thankful for.
Thanksgiving and Christmas, Thanksgiving, It's All About Name, Amy's Humble Musings.

RuthLace devotes an entire post to Thanksgiving traditions from her youth compared to now. She and Daddys Roses have referenced a forum asking about Thanksgiving traditions and what we are thankful for.
I found one refugee expressing his gratitude to America:

American Dream provides reason for thanksgiving
Next year, I will celebrate the 50th anniversary of being a freedom fighter in Budapest, Hungary. Our short-lived and bloody attempt to obtain democracy for our nation failed.
But as a result of fleeing to America, I've become most thankful for the following:
{click link for the rest of the article}

And there were these sorts of websites and posts:

Lone Pawn writes in his Thanksgiving Special Post:

Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers.

In my quest for enlightenment, I realize that the term 'Thanksgiving' undoubtedly refers to 'giving thanks' which refers to 'prayer'.

Of course the next question is: 'Who are we giving thanks to?'.

Well, we ALL know the answer to THAT!

This can not possibly be good for our families and children. Especially if it is being mentioned in schools and public government buildings.

More brainwashing, more molding of little vulnerable minds. And those of us in the ill-informed fly-over space of 'Middle America' are dupped again!

After the next load of laundry I'll look into this more.....



Carol said...

I LOVE your blog! You're a wonderful writer! I'm adding you to my blogroll RIGHT NOW!

Anonymous said...

Beth, I have finally visited your blog! I am impressed. You are a good writer. Want to come over and help me finish my book? Love you, Debi