Wednesday, November 30, 2005

New York, New York

Watching Imus in the Morning this morning. He just interviewed Senator Joe Lieberman (democrat) who dares to make statements like, 'Things are better in Iraq' and 'We are making great progress there.'

NOT the party line!

Following the interview, the crew on Imus' program start whinning and carrying on about how silly it is to think anything can be gained from 'winning' a war in Iraq.

Imus said, 'What are we going to do? Stay there till there are 3,000 dead?.' Bernard, one of the regualars on Imus, made a sarcastic statement, 'As long as it's not one of your family.'

That's the point that I blew up.

What exactly happens if we surrender? Huh? Have you thought that through?

That's what they want us to do. They call it 'a time-table for withdrawal'. But leaving a battle unfinished is surrender and defeat. (Iraq is a battle, not a war. The war is bigger than Iraq, in my opinion).

What happens then? New York? What happens then?

Imus, you are in the great state of New York. If politians keep interfering with this war and set a time-table for withdrawal, ignoring all reports from the military and civilian personnel on the ground in Iraq, than New York had better brace itself.

Imus, if we leave the Iraqi people now, after liberating them and without any further support to get on their feet, you had better go back to your ranch in New Mexico before the celebrating in Iran, Syria, etc is over.

I don't know if New York or Israel or California will go first, but New York is surely on their short list.

I'm sick to death of these politians trying to build their careers on the bodies of American soldiers. They seem to live for counting bodies.

Let the military handle the war and SHUT UP!


Jane said...

AMEN!!! Well said, Beth. I think you should send your comment to Imus. Of course, he would probably just dismiss you as some conservative, ill informed, woman!

Carol said...

But how do you REALLY feel?