Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ain't America Grand!

Just when I thought Liberal Traitor and I had kissed and made up, he posts this on his website.

I've been doing my best to educate him on the right way of thinking ( grin and wink ). But it doesn't seem to be working.

He says: "While I didn't see a single tree lot advertising "holiday" trees"

I have, I have seen them everywhere. I haven't seen a single sign for 'Christmas trees' since this issue has been brought to my attention. That's ridiculous.

He says: "Even Fox News is doing it"

Then it should be brought to their attention.

He says: "why do you hate capitalism so much?"

I don't. Can't speak for other people. But there is a difference between being 'inclusive' of other relgions and deliberately excluding the religion that is responsible for at least 85 - 90 % of their seasonal sales. Come on!

Since Liberal Traitor is on the left coast and I'm on the right coast (figuratively and literally) we couldn't get a photo made together. So I found a computer simulation of us as new best friends :) Can you tell which of us is which?

Hope you enjoy:)



Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
I had to visit your traitor and post a comment for him. Thanks for turning me on to his "blog for rent."

Oh BTW - Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Donna in Texas

Anonymous said...

Cute pic! Let me quess, you are on the right and he's on the left, in the picture.

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Anonymous said...

It`s really nice article. Thank u a lot