Thursday, December 08, 2005

Bah Humbug for Crying Out Loud!

My new best friend San Francisco Liberal Traitor has brought to my attention that one expects Christmas recipes on a Merry Christmas blog.

My answer to him is as follows: (I would have written a post rather than just repeating what I wrote on his blog - but it's time for Survivor and one has to have priorities!)

My dear friend Liberal Traitor,

I have read your posts and your comments on my blog. And have taken all of your suggestions under a considerable amount of consideration.

After much contemplation and the picking off of fleas. I have come to the very uncomfortable position of having to concede you have maybe made perhaps just a tiny little tad of a little bit of a point in the Merry Christmas political blog issue.

In deference to your suggestions and out of a deep and enduring respect for our new found close friendship, I have made the agonizing decision to post daily (maybe) Christmas recipes on the Merry Christmas blog.I only cook when there are pending nuclear holocausts immediately threatening my own personal neighborhood.

Hopefully, that gives you some idea of what a real sacrifice it is for me to trudge out holiday - opps - Christmas recipes just for YOU.:)

smooches back at cha


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