Monday, December 05, 2005

Uh - Oh San Francisco Liberal Traitor Doesn't Like My Blog

It seems I've offended San Francisco Liberal Traitor.

He's getting "all whipped up into super Christmas spirit!" just reading my blog.

He says, among other things, that I am cheerleading for "Bush's war in Iraq and attacking those of us who don't think it's a particularly good idea for us to be in that war (you know, the majority of Americans at this point, not to mention the rest of the world)."

He says my blog is the rantings and ravings of another rightwingnut.

I wondering who I have attacked and who is calling who names??? hmmmmm.....

I also notice in
San Francisco Liberal Traitor's blog several posts having to do with other blogs he disapproves of.

For instance, in
this post, he makes catty, vicious and rather nasty fun of another blogger. He even states this other blogger is the source of jokes among bloggers who are regulars on Blog Explosion.

Just a few of the names San Francisco Liberal Traitor calls people he doesn't agree include: religious lunatic fringe; rightwingnuts; braindead neocon sheeple. I didn't read any further.

Ah well, it's a good thing he's a liberal and therefore so accepting of people who don't agree with his point of view.

I'd hate to see how mean-spirited it might have gotten if he were a conservative!

Thanks Traitor, for showing me the error of my ways

This rose is for you.


Beth said...

Thanks James,

I honestly have not read more than a headline of 'Machine of Death'. So I can't really comment on that blog. The headline or two I read was enough for me.

I did think Liberal Traitor's comments sounded mean-spirited. But that's his perogative. And it's my perogative to respond.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of conservatives as being intollerant of the rest of society. I see more intollerance from the other side of the isle.

In truth, there's enough fault to go around on all sides. I don't understand why there needs to be lines drawn. It seems to me we should all be concerned with the eroding of our societal values and culture.

I'm not just talking about religious values. It seems that in so many areas of our everyday lives we are supposed to be applogetic for being American.

I understand that each culture wants to retain their own culture and many feel threatened by the seemingly ever increasing power of the U.S.

I have no desire for Germans to quit speaking German or the French to quit speaking French. But I do want the US to still be the US.

Just my opinion.

Beth said...

Liberal Traitor....

I agree - thanks for the additional traffic. So it's been mutually beneficial.

Ain't free enterprise grand, huh?

I realize the name of the blog is misleading - thus the subtitle. Although, as much as I don't want to admit it to you, I have considered changing the name of the blog. It was an impulsive blog that I didn't really intend on keeping up, but it kinda took on a life of it's on.

I don't see this as 'spewing partisanship', but as voicing my opinion. Isn't that what blogs are primarily used for? I have no problem with you voicing your opinion until you start calling me names, then I'm going to jump in the mud with you. I know that's not the wisest thing to do, but it's generally what I do.

Don't worry - I'll enjoy Christmas just fine.

Meanwhile, my other blog is going to be along the same lines, but focused on families with loved ones serving in the military. So you'll like that too :)

Thanks for the extra traffic. Feel free to attack me at any time. :)

Your new best friend :)